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Natural Disaster Risks

Here we provide you some informations regarding natural disaster risks that might happen in Batur Global Geopark. We recommend you to download inaRISK to know more about other disasters that might happen here.

Batur's Natural Disaster Risks

Based on inaRISK data, in Batur, Bali these natural disasters might happen:​

  • Earthquake

inaRISK defines that earthquake might happen in Batur, Bali. inaRISK classify this natural disaster on the average level of danger. These are some recommendations given by inaRISK that you should follow.

inaRISK defines that volcano eruption might happen in Batur, Bali. inaRISK classify this natural disaster on the low level of danger. These are some recommendations given by inaRISK that you should follow.

  • Volcano Eruption
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